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Choosing K.I.D.S. for preschool and then returning for kindergarten was the 
best decision I made regarding my son's education.  We have all benefited
from choosing this school, we have made friends and become part of a 
loving extended family.  My advice to parents everywhere:  the only choice
is K.I.D.S.                                                           Victoria D.

This has been James' second home since he was 14 months old and from the minute I walked in the door, I knew it was the right place for him.  The love, caring and warmth was felt from the very first day and continued on as he moved from one class to the next.  And with the guidance, love and encouragement from all of the special people at K.I.D.S., he has grown
and has had such wonderful experiences.               Tracey G.

It has been so reassuring to us to know that we were leaving Jesse in cap-
able and compassionate hands.  We were so pleased with his progress over
the last three years and are sad that the time has come for him to move on.
The positive side is that we know he will be well prepared with a good 
foundation of education and self esteem to take with him.  Thank you for
everything.                                                            Lori O.